Thursday, September 18, 2008


So yesterday I discovered the last thing I was looking for, two new web-comics that interested me intently.

Flakey Pastry is one of them, the one I ended up enjoying more of the two, the website where you can find this is
It's a goofy little web-comic about some supernatural creatures and their lives; btw the short one is a goblin, it took me a while to figure it out. So this Goblin and Cat girl (that hates being called a cat girl) live in this apartment run by a dragon. So this is all combined with the craziness of another roommate, a psychotic High Elf. Hilarity ensues.
The other comic was not all that good; however I did thanks to Tai find a wonderful music experience.

It's called Pandora and it's a music experience, Internet radio of a new caliber. Its part of something called the Music Genome Project, which as far as I can tell is a giant project to collect music under one database. Which is totally awesome in my point of view, I mean it plays random songs, it's like a radio station where you can pick type of songs that you like, and there is some crap that you get, some stuff the system thinks you will like. However the system is fairly smart and it does have a very large variety of songs. Bottom line it's kind of amazing, however so am I.

Now I'll just say that I cannot live without music. It flows through me and even though I can't dance at all, I do try to at these times. I have always loved music, and loved people that are into music, I think musicians can be just about the sexiest things in the world. That and writers in general. It's a nice little image. I just can't help it sometimes, but of course my attraction list goes on and on, I think my perfect woman, is a gaming journalist, which plays guitar and sings as a hobby. Or maybe just a game developer, I don't know, it would take more thought. Oh and of course according to K, her name has to be named Amanda. This is all coming to a point, more specifically a memory, which goes something like this.

We were playing Risk, it was our favorite game, and it was Doug his roommate and someone else that escapes my mind. We were playing in the picnic table thing with cushioned seats in Diamond Lounge and I was doing well. In fact unnoticed by the rest of the table, who thought I was losing, my secret incredible plan was working perfectly. My secret plan being, to be the biggest asshole on the board while I died horribly to Doug's overwhelming forces, it worked brilliantly as Doug was pissed at me after the game. That's when a cute girl walked through. I remember the cute girl, because she had shortish hair and a long coat, and I had just listened to 'Short Skirt and a Long Jacket.' She came up and commented that she really liked Risk, and that she will be back later. She came back and asked to play and I got to know her, specifically because she played Dnd, and fore mentioned, she was cute. We got pretty close, we were both cuddle whores, we liked similar music, she was a musician. AMAZING. As I said we got close quickly, now I was dating this girl Meghan at the time, we were pretty serious, however I found myself falling for Amanda. So I rolled the dice, I told Meghan and she told me to go for it, that she was tired of our relationship anyway (FUCKING LIE, I learned later) So one night after the game I was running, Amanda got to the game late and she was upset because her boyfriend broke up with her, I was wounded by Meghan's proclamation of being bored with our relationship, we talked and talked and talked and then I kissed her. It was not an innocent kiss, listen ladies and gentleman, this was a passionate I need this person kiss. There have been few kisses like it in your old friend Nick's life. My first kiss, my first Amanda kiss, this kiss, and a few others down the line. However I can count maybe 5. We were sitting there in forest kitchen kissing like we were the only two people that ever loved in the world. It was a wonderful kiss, the next few days were a blur of activity, it wasn't till a day later that we decided we were dating and a week later we decided we were in love. It was crazy fast. However the funniest thing ever happened Monday night. I was sitting in Ivy lounge with Sam and Alex watching a movie, as was the way of things with Sam and Alex and once in a while me. When I was Accosted by a cute young lady, and her friend, she confronted me and demanded very vigorously, "WHAT ARE YOUR INTENTIONS WITH AMANDA" I was frightened, who wouldn't be. These turned out to be Amanda's best friends Maggy and Jessie. They meant well, well Maggy did, I don't think Jessie liked me at first, she came around. I told them "… um… to date her." Happy with this answer they released me and went about their merry way. Sam and Alex laughed at me after going, WTF. I spent two terms with her, sweating and working on our relationship. It was a very happy time, then summer came and I made a huge mistake, I broke up with her. I was confused and needed time to think. While I took this time, she met Ryan. At first, I didn't like Ryan, not at all. Oh not at all. However another thing happened that summer. I met up With Maggy at PAX, we got pretty close pretty quick, and as much as I can say without a doubt that I would have liked to date her, and I was just putting excuses up there, like, your Amanda's friend. I know for a fucking second that Amanda would have been cool with it. However I was scared, and so we cuddled, we laughed we had a good time, a little crush developed, me to her, and my friend Sam to this girl named Meghan, not my Megs, but another one. Btw another fucked up situation that I don't think I will ever write about was happening to Meghan and this guy, the fucker's name I forget right now. However, I will never forgive this guy for what he did, EVER. However that was a different Meghan, from now on I will call my ex Meghan as my ex Meghan, and my friend Meghan just Meghan. Now, my friend Sam asked about Meghan, Meghan asked about Sam, I did some magic Boom, Meghan's Girlfriend, and now Ex Girlfriend now hates me, well not anymore, and we are chill now. However when this happened, angry at me, that's where the Kelli quote from the previous entry comes from by the way. I was telling her all about Sam while we were sitting in front of Cascade, and she said it, and I think my facial expression was something of wanting to eat something's sou. However Amanda ended up marrying Ryan, they are very happy together and I'm very happy for them. (I have other musicians to fantasize about, ones that play guitar only wearing a guitar *Drools*)

That's all for today,

Go to bed


~FilmMusicLove~ said...

Pandora is awesome! I love that you can change what you're listening to easily, although I agree that sometimes you do get crap on there. I have a couple of stations that I made that I really love though.

Annie said...

omg pandora!

i couldn't survive without that site.